Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week 1: "When in doubt, Google"

I had such a hard time finding out what to write on the first post of this week's blog entry but let's start when I told my friends that I was taking the class Introduction to Internet.

When I told her that I was taking this class, I saw the skeptical look on her face like this:

"Are you serious?" she asked.
"As serious as I can be." I replied.

I bet if I told other people about this class, I would probably get the same exact reaction. 

Well, of course I told her it's more than learning about the Internet, it's learning what the Internet can do for you. 

As a young adult, without the Internet, there's a thousand and one things I don't think I can do. I've been mindlessly sucked into the world of social media and the world of Google searching (aka Googling). Google has become such an important thing in my life and I live by the mantra "When in doubt, GOOGLE". I posted this on Facebook a while back and I don't think I am the only one this way looking at the amount of likes received.

With Google, I can find EVERYTHING.  You name it, there will definitely be something. I can find out about the history of something, find recipes, find things to buy, find information about a particular place and the list goes on. Then there's the hyperlink in each website that brings you to the next website and then the next and then the next................

You just keep going and going and there's no end of the road.

So who is this brilliant creator of the Internet? It's Tim Berners-Lee also known as TimBL (sidetrack: I actually googled Tim Benash because that was how it sounded like in class, but lo and behold the power of technology...I mean..Google. It redirected me to a page of Tim Bernes-Lee. Amazing right, ahh-mayyyy-zing)

Very handsome man as you can see...and smart as well.

He was born in 1955, therefore making him 58 years old now. He is known as the inventor of the internet and he was the first to write the first web client server in 1990. In 2008, he started World Wide Web Foundation and funded and coordinated efforts to further the potential of the Web to benefit humanity. Recently on March 18, 2013 Tim Berners Lee, along with Vinton Cerf, Robert Kahn, Louis Pouzin and Marc Andreesen have been knighted by the Queen for "groundbreaking innovation in engineering that has been a global benefit to humanity" which led to the Internet and the World Wide Web. (Berners Lee)

Looking at his achievements, I am beyond impressed. He does his research not only for himself but for the benefit of humanity in the long run. The Internet and World Wide Web has created a revolution making communications, faster and easier than before.

Now we all know who to thank for the Internet. 

You know, remember I said earlier that there are actually thousand and one things I can do with the internet? Well, there are also thousand and one things I can do without the internet like having more sleep and more time to do my homeworks and lesser distractions but....we'll leave that for another day!

Till then,

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