Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 2: Of power shifts & RSS.

This week, we learnt about social media and I think what caught my eye is the question asked on the introduction slide, "Do you feel the power shift?"

I said in my last post that we can do so many things with the internet (and now we know who to thank for it!) Our lives are so dependent on it that without it for a day, we are literally disconnected from the world. We feel lost. We feel that we cannot get things done because every information that we need cannot be accessed straight away. We feel

 So do I feel the power shift? Yes, definitely. Do YOU feel the power shift? You tell me.

Just look at the amount of memes found on the internet about how some people feel without the internet for a day:

Look at the amount of memes! There are actually more actually but we can keep that for another day! And i found a brilliant ad (in Malay, with subtitles of course!!) about the internet. Love this ad, and it's so apt right now when we talk about how we are all so hooked to it that we forget the simple pleasures in life.

Very cheeky right the small boy, but really clever! I hope we'll not end up like that, only appreciating what's around us WITHOUT the internet. Take a breather right now and look at the things/people/scenery around you and be thankful for it.

Our lives doesn't revolve around the internet. #selfreminder.


So, moving on, for this week's lesson, there are several key definitions learnt especially about WEB 2.0, its characteristics and what web 2.0 has to offer.

I've always heard about the term RSS but not really knowing what it is about. I always see it at the sidebar or at the site address bar itself and I thought it was just something fancy to beautify the spaces at the side.

Of course I was wrong. Duh.

RSS or also known as Rich Site Summary is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever who wants it. 

Well, in summary, the browser will update the user if there are new contents published by the sites that they follow. Forget about the hassle of going news site and blogs countless times in a day just to check for new updates. With RSS, the content of the sites are given to you INSTEAD of you going to them.


I think RSS is created for lazy people like me. We know we have to be constantly updated about the world and other people personal lives (lol) but it's always so annoying when you go to your favourite sites to see NOTHING. Instead of having that frustration, RSS saves the day! YAAAY

In class, we also went through several sites that you have to sign up in order for you to read the things you subscribed to your list. Instead of the usual Google or the other sites offered, I found another great site! This site has such a catchy name and I think I might start using it too! This site is called bloglovin'! Cool huh? click on it!

With bloglovin', I can subscribe to ANY kind of blogs and follow them. When there are new updates, I will get notified and I can start reading new content. Oh and if I don't know which blog to follow, they are several categories to choose from and I can choose the one that interest me the most and follow these cool blogs too! Some of the categories include fashion, family, beauty and even fitness! How interesting right.

Oh, and the best part of this site? Bloglovin' works on computer, Iphone, Android and Ipad! It's so convenient to have it on mobile! Whoop.

Whatchu waiting for? Sign up and start subscribing! (which i might start to a bit hehe)

Till then,

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