I decided to do a (video) picture collage of my little baby brother who is just about a month old for this week's blog assignment. There's just too many pictures of him growing up since day 1 so I thought why not make a video and compile everything together. When he gets older, he'll get to see it too! Besides, whatever stays online, will be permanent isn't it?
So there you go folks, my brother's name is Aushaf Harith and he is the main baby in the picture. The pictures taken were from day 1 till day 35. Maybe I should do this every 6 mths or so to see how he has grown. Heh.
Initially I wanted to record myself and do a lip sync item but then I realised I really have a bad quality front webcam for my laptop and my phone battery don't last at all. (& I look super haywired there, I dont even know what I was doing) Therefore, I scraped that idea although it was a really really really fun thing to do! But it's okay, babies (MY baby bro) can rule the world and take over my video part. hahahha.
I'm SURE babies will approve!
The process of video editing is quite fun actually. Maybe because it's not really a video video, but rather a video picture collage which still makes sense because it's a video. I used Windows Live Movie Maker, which I never knew existed in the realm of my laptop. I finally utilised it and boy, was it a quick and easy process. I'm not a film maker (yet. hahahah) but this is super easy to use. If you're just starting out and playing around, this is definitely a good tool for you.
Firstly, all I had to do was to select pictures or videos (which i did both, but more of pictures) and then just arrange it nicely in chronological order. After that, I changed the duration in which each picture is featured from 7 secs to 2 secs to cut down the time of the video. After that, I added the opening slide.
Secondly, I added in music. I had a hard time choosing because i only had a limited amount of songs in my laptop so I just chose whatever that was a happy song and I *ALMOST* chose a default song on windows which was quite sleepy and fit for a lullaby. But, no lah. Just because most of the pictures are about baby sleeping doesn't mean I should have a lullaby song. So I chose one of the catchier song in my limited playlist.
BUT, lo and behold when i uploaded into youtube, the song cannot be played *GASPS* because of copyright infringement *gasps* so I choose a default playlist from youtube.
no choice.
but still cool.
Thirdly, I looked through the video and did minor editing and credits and WALA, it's all done.
I had so much fun doing this, I might consider doing this again and again. & not just about babies you know. Maybe some video documentation of some sort. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!
Should share some of my creations next time HAAHAH.
Okay, till the next time my friends.
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